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The Importance of having an Estate Plan

Thank you for taking the time and seeing me today.

Always stressed the importance of having an Estate Plan in place.

I have attached a few articles you might like reading.


Ash Thadani



Responsibilities of an executor

If you’re the eldest sibling in the family, or deemed to be the “most responsible”; if you’re seen to be a good friend by someone; or a fine upstanding citizen by others, chances are you will be asked to be an executor of someone’s will. 


What is an Enduring Guardian?

Who would make decisions regarding your medical treatment or where you live if you weren't capable of doing this for yourself?

To avoid such an issue, appoint an enduring guardian as part of your Estate Planning.


Protecting your Will against challenges

Everyone understands the importance of a Will, but how do you ensure your wishes are carried out when you’re no longer around? Who can contest your Will and what are their chances of success?